I'm not being a pain about the eclipse...but
The coming eclipse is exciting. It’s a rare event that’s so enticing it’s pulling people from all over to travel all over —-as long as it’s in the path of totality to see it (for those who desire a 100% effect, otherwise, one can view it up to 90% in many, many locations without a fuss). Planes, trains and automobiles will be massively on route so their passengers, in an amazing human effort, can watch a spectacular event from a chosen vantage point. There are even two special eclipse flights (complete with Warby Parker viewing glasses) that will allow passengers the closest view possible.
I think it is super exciting to have so many people connected to a ‘natural’ event that isn’t in a stadium with obscene prices paid for air time. Plus, it’s an event that will draw people to new places, sharing an appreciation for a dramatic phenomenon that is not man-made. Having so many people in the United States focused on a singular event is itself worthy of note. No one can convince us that we haven’t been divided for quite some time.
For me? I plan on doing my best to source a pair of glasses in order to see it too. I’d like to witness a spectacular event like everybody else, except I’ll be closer to home.
So, if there’s all this good stuff…why the post?
Okay, here’s the Grinch part.
I’m all for celebrating the awesome…as long as we celebrate the every day as well. I mean, there are incredible feats of nature within feet of us. Yet, we tend to under-appreciate the regular for the big show, the dazzling, the uber-natural.
Yet, to the spiritually minded—-there are dramatic events every day, every hour, minute and second.
The little acorn that becomes a gigantic oak tree. The tiny little red pepper seeds that we tend to toss in the garbage, when covered with just a bit of soil and given water…grow into a pepper plant! (I kid you not, I tried this, it worked, and now I feel guilty every time I’m not producing more plants).
The faithful sun that doesn’t take a sick day. The ever-changing every night moon- show we get. No effort involved.
The fact that oxygen enlivens every single cell of our bodies at the same time.
The fact that each cell of an embryo knows it’s job in life—-whether to be an eyelash but not an earlobe.
The fact that on a microscopic level, the table my laptop is on is mostly space!
The fact that the largest percentage of stuff in my human body is water!
I can go on and on, but there’s a limit to how much awesomeness you can read about.
So, yes, enjoy the once-in-every-decade-or-so miracle.
But don’t deny that all around us, we are living in the miraculous.
And for that, I thank the Creator of All.