The season of falling is here.
Sparks of radiant color pepper the trees,
As the falling leaves enchant our eyes with dancing vibrancy.
First, a sprinkle or two coast to the ground.
Too weak to hold on,
They give up to the slightest breeze.
Then as the wind picks up,
More spiral to the grass floor,
No longer supported by the tree,
Or the fading light of day.
Which is the first leaf to fall?
Is it the smallest, the most tender?
Or the aged one, large from its time on the tree?
They will share the same route, a process of transforming.
Nature’s colorful carpet will in time, blanket the earth in brown,
Offering crackly and crunchy noises beneath our feet.
Our eyes will trick us.
No longer what they were,
We will forget and disregard their purpose.
They will nourish the soil by their deterioration,
Moving to a new cycle of life,
Feeding the possibility of a new tree that will emerge in time.
This is the brilliance of the Creator’s plan.